Saturday, November 19, 2022
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
St. Andrews Parks and Playground
1095 Playground Rd.
Charleston, SC, 29407
The Universal Gardening Series is free for families that include youth or adults with any type of disability. The workshop series will focus on providing participants with adaptive gardening experiences, tools, and know-how that they can take home and incorporate into everyday life.
Each workshop will focus on adaptive gardening techniques applicable to all gardening expertise levels, and each will include: adaptations to gardening tools, pathway surfacing and access considerations, planting pots and starting seeds, and planting environment considerations. Participants will take home whatever they plant or create during the class. Each class in the series will consist of a two-hour interactive workshop, followed by a social.
Join us Saturday, November 19, 2022, at the picnic pavilion at St. Andrews Parks and Playground.
To register or for more information please email Joe Moore at:
Download the program flyer and share with others: Universal Gardening Program.