Education, Training & Consulting

Adaptive Expeditions aims to empower other businesses, clubs and organizations with the information, desire and tools to make outdoor recreation programs more welcoming for individuals with physical and / or sensory disabilities.   Adaptive Expeditions designed the Education, Training & Consulting program to exponentially increase adaptive recreation opportunities in our home town and around the world.  Adaptive Expeditions  specializes in bridging a gap between clinical Therapeutic Recreation and everyday outdoor recreation programs.

Adaptive Expeditions provides both instructor endorsement workshops within the ACA Universal Paddling Program, i.e., the ACA Adaptive Paddling Workshop (APW) and the ACA Advanced Communications Workshop (ACW).  Adaptive Expeditions is the leading training, education, and NGB certification provider for adaptive kayaking and adaptive stand-up paddle-boarding in the United States.

Visit our event calendar to join one of our currently scheduled trainings.

To stay in touch and learn more about our education and training programs, please contact us or join our monthly newsletter.