Saturday, September 16, 2017
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Dreher Island State Park
3677 State Park RD
Prosperity, SC, 29127
The morning session will run from 9:00am (plan to arrive by 8:30am) until 11:30am with 10 participants.
The afternoon session will run from 12:00pm (plan to arrive by 11:30am) until 2:30pm with another 10 participants.
Kayak program registration will be for one session or the other. The kayak program costs are largely offset by a United Spinal grant, and the fee is only $20 per participant. Registration is open only for members of the Midlands Breeze Group until August 15. After August 15, registration is open to anyone with a disability resulting from spinal cord injury.
All participants are also invited to camp-out with the crew from Adaptive Expeditions on the evening of September 15 (night prior to the kayaking day) at Dreher Island State Park. For dinner we are planning a waterfront group cookout, bonfire for roasting marshmallows, and then in the morning before kayaking starts we will host a lakefront adaptive yoga class from 7:30am – 8:30am. Adaptive Expeditions adaptive yoga Instructors will work under the leadership of our adaptive yoga mentor, Dara Brown, for this program. .
An additional $20 fee per participant will help cover the costs of renting the venue, charcoal, firewood, marshmallows, and the yoga class. Bring your own beverages, meat for the grill, and a pot-luck side dish to share. Campsites are not covered by the $20 fee. Register Here for cookout and yoga.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the American Canoe Association’s (ACA’s) Essential Eligibility Criteria prior to registering for the kayaking program.