ACA Adaptive Paddlesport Workshop (APW)

Friday, June 3, 2016 - Sunday, June 5, 2016
All Day

SNI Cattaraugus Community Center
12767 NY-438
Irving, NY, 14081

Open enrollment APW at SNI Cattaraugus Community Center.  Hosted by Seabirds International.

Click Here for a full description of the ACA Adaptive Paddlesport Workshop (APW).

This APW will be led by Joe Moore.

To register for this APW or learn more about Seabirds International’s emerging Adaptive Paddling Program: Please call Andrea Vaillancourt-Alder at 716.392.2708. You can email Andrea at:

This is a 2.5-day APW: October 1, 4-8 pm & October 2 & 3 from 8:30 am until 5:30 p.m.

Enrollment fee per Endorsement Canidate = $300 (Includes text book)

Event website: